🚀 New forum launch

Welcome to our new forum!

The Knack team has been hard at work building out a new home for our community. This platform affords us many opportunities to build a more engaging, productive space – and we’re committed to delivering that value.


What are our aspirations for this space?

  • Build and amplify trust and transparency for our company and product. Having a robust ecosystem to support our product could be considered more valuable than the product itself! Expect more open discourse from our team, shedding light on our thinking and plans.
  • Increase engagement in a one:many environment. Individual conversations will always have their place, but in this space we will all benefit in the interactions between community members. This includes the Knack Team, Knack Experts and all Knack customers.
  • Listen to our customers’ feedback, ideas, pain points, etc. and provide ongoing product announcements in order to act more responsively and highlight the value we’re delivering in that exchange.

New Features

Some cool new updates of note

  • Easy login with SSO, using your Knack builder account!
  • Better feature request management.
    • Knack and trusted users can tag, merge, and close requests to keep things tidy and discoverable.
    • The most popular requests will be surfaced, and advanced search allows everyone to find what they are looking for.
  • More trustworthy information.
    • Topic authors and the Knack Team can mark replies as “Solved” to verify answers for others who arrive to the conversation later.
    • Topics can be tagged to keep requests organized to aid in searching for solutions.
  • Build social proof.
    • Badges and trust levels can be earned through active engagement. Certain forum features are unlocked with these achievements.
    • Knack Experts can showcase their skills by providing answers and ideas.
    • Everyone benefits from more active engagement, when questions are asked, and tips and tricks are shared.

Feedback & Guidelines

In the spirit of listening to our customers, we’d love to hear your thoughts on the new forum!

  • Check out categories, pinned topics, etc. Leave specific feedback on any of those topics.
  • For general feedback about the forum, please reply here on this topic.
  • The topics migrated from our old forum have been reviewed, but if there’s ever anything problematic (now or in the future) flag the topic and our moderators will resolve any issues.
  • Follow along! Click the bell icon to see options for subscribing to any category or topic: bell

Thanks for joining! We look forward to engaging with you all.


Looking forward to contributing to the Knack Community! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: