This morning we discovered that our forums received a high volume of spam posts overnight. Forum users who follow the affected groups received email notifications for these spam postings.
First, we want to apologize that your inboxes were flooded with these emails and for any inconvenience this caused.
Second, we are working with the provider of our forums (Zendesk) to put in additional spam prevention measures to decrease the risk of spam going forward.
For the time being, we are going to require approval for forum posts in order to restrict this abuse of our forums. Previously we have not required approval for forum posts to keep the conversations easy and accessible, but it is a temporary measure we need to put in place.
You may need to add as a contact or mark our email address as “Not Spam” to continue to receive emails from us.
Thank you for being a continued Knack customer and please reach out if there are any questions we can answer for you on this!