Performance update and what's new in early June

Hello Knack Builders!

Our team has been focused on improving the overall experience of Knack, from the initial sign-up experience through to app functionality. Here’s an overview:

Performance and Reliability

Knack users generate about 150 million API calls every week. In the past few months, we’ve increased the speed of those calls from 1200ms to 650ms. That’s nearly a 50% improvement. The network issue notifications have also decreased from 1.32% to 1.2%.

We are confident that these incremental improvements equate to significant performance and reliability improvements. We will continue to investigate, correct, and improve in these areas.

We are also excited to announce the following updates :star: coming soon:

Google SSO - Authenticate with Ease:

To simplify the sign-in process and save you time, we are adding Google Single sign-on. New and existing users will be able to securely sign up and sign in to Knack using their Google account, making it easier than ever to access applications.

New Onboarding and Sign-Up Experience:

We are redesigning our onboarding flow to make it more intuitive and user-friendly. New users will find the sign-up flow a much more intuitive experience. The new onboarding experience will guide them through the essential features of our platform, ensuring that they have all the tools needed to succeed right from the start.

New Dashboard Design:

We’re redesigning our dashboard to provide a more user-friendly look and feel. The updated layout will be visually appealing and simplify new app creation.

These changes will be released via a rolling deployment based on your app region in early June. We will be actively updating the forum with details.

As always, our team is here to support you. If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me at

We appreciate you and are committed to helping you succeed.



Thanks for the update Kara. Something positive for everyone in there! Looking forward to the AU rollout. :+1:


Very nice!

Still no MFA available on apps yet??


Many thanks for the update!

Keep up the good work!! :clap:t3::muscle:t3::muscle:t3:

Hello, while you are working on the Performance update, my support tickets haven’t been attended for 13 days till now. Can you please let someone have a look at the tickets?
Also, the Auto Increment has been an issue since Sep last year, do you have a plan on how to fix this critical issue?

Hey @Tianyi
Please send me through your ticket numbers and I can have a look for you!

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Hi Ally, these are the three support tickets I submitted/followed up 13 days ago - #172525 and #172526 and #139949

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Hi Tianyi,
We unfortunately do not have a good fix available yet for the auto-increment issue. If you could send me an email at I would like to schedule a call with you and a few other folks. The more we know about how people are using this field the better we can design a solution for it.

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