Using Knack in Power Automate (Flow)

I've just created a guide on utilising Knack in Power Automate (Flow), with the example of 'creating a folder in SharePoint when a Knack object record is created': 

Let me know if this is useful!

EDIT 09/03/20: Added a section on 'creating a file in SharePoint when a Knack object record is created'.


super resource thanks

Awesome Stephen - thanks for sharing!

That's correct. I wanted to substitute Knack with SharePoint for file storage, while still maintaining a record in Knack (e.g. A Job record with multiple job documents).
I've also figured out how to transfer attachment files from Knack to SharePoint, and then delete the record from Knack. I'd use this in the scenario where external users need to upload files related to the Job, without needing write access to the SharePoint location. I'll document this soon.

Thanks Stephen - good insight into Power Automate as well.

So this creates the folder, and adds a link to it in a Knack record?