Use AND for filters in filter menus

I think you can already do this.  

I hope this is related to your discussion…

How would you add a menu link in “Filter” in a map view where I only want to see zones 1, 2, or 3; instead of one at a time… What would be the correct syntax for “Contain” in Menu Filter where it contains 1, 2, or 3…

Contains “1” or “2” or “3”. Does anyone know a workaround to show 3 zones instead of having to creating a separate filter for each and cluttering the page?

There is a solution to this but it’s a little messy…

You just need to create Text Formula, Equation or Conditional Rule based fields to calculate the ‘combined’ selection criteria in the object - then you can use this field in the Search Menu set up.

Hope this helps,


I am rather incredulous that these filters are so clumsy. Amongst a host of other use cases, I would like to simply create filters matching a date for “This month”, “This or last month”, “This and the last two months” etc. However, it is currently impossible to show records during “This Month” at the same time as records “During the previous 1 month”

Knock, Knock… Anyone home? Is this too Simple of an item to actually do? It is actually the simple things that are the most annoying, about Knack

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I know this is a bit late, but here’s the answer.

Today, Cortex R&D Inc has released a version of the KTL that solves that issue.

It allows dedicated filter creators to share their complex filters to a named button that can be seen by all users of a given app.

Most of all, it’s Open-Source (free) and does not require any coding-experience.
Copy-paste two files, about 10 minutes of setup, and you’re ready-to-go!

For all information including documentation, see here: Knack Toolkit Library on GitHub.

Normand D.

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