I am trying to use Filter menus in various Tables. The problem is that the Filter only allows you to choose one thing. For instance I am trying to filter for an “Active” Customer that starts with the letter “A” or any letter. But I can only choose Active Customer, or Customers that start with A. I can filter on two different fields.
Make it so you can filter more than one field at a time.
Hi Mike,
I have developed a solution for that, and it’s open-source (free). All you have to do is copy/paste two files.
You can find it here: cortexrd/Knack-Toolkit-Library: Knack Toolkit Library (github.com)
The section of interest is called User Filters. For now, it allows you to save all your filters to named buttons. But I will eventually add the possibility to save them as System Filters, so all users can see and use them. It’s not perfect, but a whole lot better than the default menu filters.
If you have questions or if you need assistance, let me know.
Normand D.
Hi Mike,
I’m just a bit curious… did you have the chance to test the KTL?
I’ve just made a big documentation and code update.
Let me know,