Proposal Software to Integrate with Knack

Hi All,

any recommendations for some proposal software I can populate using Make from Knack data? It needs to have line item capability and be able to insert an image into the proposal (not as part of the template but specific to each proposal).

Many thanks!

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Hi @Hugo

We use Google slides for photo id. You can design it using placeholders and it takes images from knack to make to slides. And any text from Knack.


Thanks Craig, I hadn’t considered G Slides but I’ll take a look. I was looking for something the user could sign though so it may not be suitable.

Hi Hugo,
Create your proposal in HTML and convert into pdf or any format as needed! This even allows any number of photos to add or not to add without giving any format issue.


You could build the proposal system within Knack. I looked at using 3rd party quoting systems but Knack was just cheaper and easier in the end.

I did this for automotive workshop equipment quotes, but could be quotes for anything really.

Each quote has a header area which allows photos and attachments, and up to 99 line items, each line item allows multiple photos and document/file attachments. Discounts etc can be at header or line item level or both.

The customer can access and view the quote using a url and PIN number sent via email without logging on - and they can accept the quote in the portal, providing name, email and signature. Or reject it, or ask questions which workflow back to the sales rep.

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I second @LeighBerre96926 - keep it in Knack if you can and get users to respond to the quote in the one system.

Using details, grid and list views (particularly if you have photos) can make it look really neat.

With your image, if you use a Rich Text field you can embed the image where you want.

Of course, this might not work for you, but I’m a big advocate for end-to-end in one system as much as possible.

Hi All,
I went with Knack in the end - I’ve done a few like this already so decided to stick to what I knew!

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