Knack’s training and certification program is here!

Well… almost! Coming this month, level 1 of the Knack Training and Certification program. This training is designed for Admins and will go over all the basics you need to learn to start off your Knack journey successfully.

The program itself will contain four levels; Foundation, Intermediate, Advanced, and Expert, with additional mini certifications as new features are released!

To learn more and to sign up for the waitlist, please go to Knack Training and Certification


Fantastic! Knack is on :fire::fire::fire:



Great to see a Knack certification program being launched. :rocket:
Super excited to check it out. :star_struck:
Registered :facepunch:


Great I’ve signed up thank you


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It was only a matter of time. Looking forward to it. :rocket:


UPDATE: The Knack Foundation training is live!!! Register for free now at Knack Training and Certification. If you signed up for the waitlist, no need to register. You should have received the link to the training in your email.


I feel very dumb right now. Is anyone else struggling with the quiz of section 4 ?

Oh no! Which question are you stuck on, @Laurent?

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Not sure if this is you, but I just saw a submission for section 4. Number of Rows and Multi-Column Fields don’t need to be checked if they’re accurate. The system will automatically account for those when you import via .csv or .xls/.xlsx

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That probably is the problematic question, though I still cannot seem to find the good answer.

It doesn’t help that the tutorial literrally says:

Things to check:

  • Column Headers - make sure these match the fields in your table.

  • Data Format - check if the data in your file matches how the data is formatted in your Knack database (i.e. “Small” vs “small”).

  • Multi-Column Fields

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Good catch! Updating that quiz now.

UPDATE: This is fixed. It should match what the tutorial says now; Column Headers, Data Format, Multi-Column Fields.


UPDATE: Thank you for all of your feedback! Based on what you’ve told us, we’ve updated the quizzes so it doesn’t allow you to submit until all the answers are correct instead of having you retake them.

If you have any other ideas that will help us improve this program, please don’t hesitate to reach out here or via


Well I’m about to give up on the final exam. I’m getting something wrong in here and unable to proceed and It doesn’t help that I can’t figure out which table has the wrong answer. Is there any way to indicate which question has a wrong answer?


Hi, Leah!

Unfortunately, as of now, there is no way to see which question has the wrong answer. We have received this feedback to implement this improvement to the training and certification program, and we hope to be able to do soon in the near future.

Feel free to reach out to our support team or email if there are any specific questions that you feel may be causing you not to be able to pass or any questions you’re unsure about. They’ll be happy to assist you! Doing this will also help aid in collecting feedback internally for this program.

I’m sorry that you’ve reached the point of giving up on the exam. We’re looking forward to helping you cross the finish line!

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I have an issue with the question about making changes on the builder. The only options didn’t match the reality. The answer was something like ‘The changes happen immediately and nothing else needs doing.’ I believe this to be misleading as the end user must refresh their browser to show the changes.

The changes do not happen immediately, and this has caused us no end of trouble as we can’t enforce the users refresh their browser unless we implement code. This would be a great idea to add to knack natively.


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Hi @CSWinnall,

I went through the quizzes and the final exam today, and I’m not finding that particular question you’ve referenced.

However, I did find in Section 5, Chapter 1 this paragraph:

An important aspect to keep in mind is that any changes you make in the Builder are reflected in the Live App in real-time . This means you can make an adjustment in the Builder, switch over to the Live App, and immediately see the impact of that change.

If this is the information you’re referring to, I have shared this with our team internally for revising. Please let me know if you happen to recall the section where you answered a question relating to this, and I will be happy to pass your message along to the team.

Thank you for the feedback! :slight_smile:

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Hi Les thanks for getting back to me I just checked and it is section 5 question 1.

Users and developers must first refresh the browser of the app to see any changes. So it is not immediately available.


There is a big white space at the end of pages in: LEVEL 1: FOUNDATION | SECTION 2.

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Thank you @CSWinnall! I just learned that the questions randomize, so it will be different every time for everyone, each time the quizzes are taken. That explains why I couldn’t find the question you were referring to. :slight_smile:

However, I’ve made the team aware of not only that paragraph I mentioned in my previous message, but the question as well so that it can be revised.

We appreciate your feedback!