Knack’s training and certification program is here!

## LEVEL 1: FOUNDATION | SECTION 3 . chapter 3 : relationships

“Connections in Knack allow for one-to-one, one-to-many, many-to-one, and many-to-many relationships. The type of connection you choose depends on the specific data relationship you need to represent. For instance, a book could be borrowed by multiple borrowers (many-to-many), or a borrower could borrow multiple books (one-to-many).”

need to add: many-to-one,

“For instance, a book could be borrowed by multiple borrowers (many-to-many), or a borrower could borrow multiple books (one-to-many).”

If we follow the example, it should be (one-to-many).

But then the example is not realist, since a unique book cannot be borrowed by various borrowers at the same time.

chapter 4: connections

Missing the many-to-one type of connections.

chapter 5: create & use

Creating a connection in Knack is straightforward.
Click on “+ Add Field” to create a new field.

Here faster is to Click on “+” on the right Connections column.

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Thanks, Michael! I’ll pass this info along to the team. :slight_smile:

Not bad.

Very well done. And as always love the very relaxing colors and style of the Knack design.


There were a few that I got wrong that I should have known too :joy: