Zapier "New Form Submission" bug

Hi folks, has anyone else in the Knack community experiencing an issue/error with Zapier integration when trying to trigger a Zap from a new form submission?

Error message: App returned 400 and said {"error":"Account not found","account":"zapier"}

I have attempted to reach out to Knack Support, but have had zero luck even getting a response from them. Is anyone else in this boat experiencing this same issue? If so, have you had a response from Knack Support? Just trying to figure out what is happening.

Did you open a support request? They rarely read and give support here but they respond to a support request usually within 24 hours and we have always come to some resolution on open tickets within a few days although a bug can sometimes take longer for them to address. Stay on the support channel and they will respond.


Hi Sunny, the API keys have not changed, I have 18 other Zaps that are running with no problems. This is an issue on Knack's end that Zapier has made them aware of, but nobody has heard anything from Knack, including the Zapier team who brought it up with them.