Voluntary Product Accessibility Template (VPAT)

Has a VPAT or ACR been created for Knack? We have increasing numbers of clients requesting a VPAT summary and/or asking questions about Knack meeting WCAG guidelines.

Thank you,


Hi David,

We’ve engaged with an accessibility auditor and have some preliminary findings we’re working on addressing. The goal would be to take action on those findings both by augmenting Knack today where it makes sense but also as we move the product forward so that we can do follow-on audits and obtain/maintain our compliance status.

We don’t have a specific timeline at the moment, but we are aiming for 2024. We’re happy to keep you updated on this progress if you’d like. Feel free to reach out to our support team with any questions regarding this.

Thank you for sharing your question, and I hope you have a great weekend!

Hi Les,
One client has required us to provide a VPAT report so we are looking into producing that report now. Just as Knack has published information on security, infrastructure, privacy, HIPAA, etc., it would be helpful to have a page dedicated to accessibility and following the VPA Template. Happy to share with you the results of U Tampa’s VPAT specific to the application we are building (once completed).

Thank you!



I am also interested in Knack for use in a college course. Our school requires a VPAT for purchase. We have integrated another no code/low code product into our Systems Analysis and Design course at the College of Southern Nevada with great results. Knack seems like a good fit for us in the near future, but without the VPAT, moving forward with more evaluation is moot. FYI Our current vendor was implemented mostly because of the availability of the VPAT.

All a VPAT is, is a template that the product meets certain accessibility conditions, or is working on them. It’s not a huge deal for a vendor to complete this template and update it periodically. With the growth of this genre of software, more and more schools will be interested in both curriculum integration and general office use. Federal guidelines require a VPAT for Federally/state-funded schools. The VPAT will help Knack effectively move into this area, therefore, doing this ASAP would be a great service to interested customers.

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