So, many heard me talking every several months about the need to have the Knack Templates plug-in an already created App to save EVEN more time in building an App and many functionalities.
Since it is not yet a possibility, and that I needed the fonctionalities of 2 different Knack Templates, I invested my time in dowloading the most complex one to use as the base App, and dowloading then COPYING (exporting and importing tables, creating pages/views/rules) the less complex one inside the first one.
Obviously a laborious work, but still WAY much faster than not having templates and starting for scratch. So: THANK YOU KNACK FOR THE TEMPLATES LIBRARY.
Now, the point of the post:
Having to examine the two Apps in details, I detected some small and few Rules errors, but mostly that the MODERN functionalities were not included in the Templates. The building is more complex than it can be and new builders could be confused.
My point is that the actual Templates do not reflect the best of Knack (with no code) and they need to be actualized.
As an obvious example, in the CRM Template not a single Trigger an Action link is used, and instead pages with rules are used.
I am curious to know about the date of the creation of most of the Templates.
Knack Team did an enormous job in very well actualize the website Solutions pages, and I advise you to do the same with the Templates Library, including all the Knack Best Practices functionalities.
Thank you for taking the time to share your feedback! It’s invaluable to us. We’re in the midst of updating our templates and incorporating newer features. Adding functionality like action links and page rules is a great idea.
Our primary aim has always been to keep these templates as straightforward as possible, ensuring they remain accessible and easy to update, especially for those new to Knack. The more intricate we make them, the higher the chance of their original functionality breaking. That said, your feedback has given us food for thought. Perhaps we could consider categorizing templates based on builder experience levels, ensuring we cater to the diverse needs of our builder community.
Once again, thank you both for your insights and for being an active voice in our community. Keep the ideas coming!
Nice to hear from you. I still remember our onboarding call in July 2019.
In my building experience, Pages Rules are very useful to give access to specific views to Users in function of their User Role, without having to duplicate all the pages and children for each User Role. It is much easier and eliminates a lot of burocracy.
I think it would be a great theme for a webinar by the Knack Experts.
Knack could create an Open Template (no-code) Championship for each theme, with prizes.
That would motivate builders, delegate work, and sure would be highly creative.
And indeed you could have different points for evaluation, like easiness, Live App design, etc.
Page Rules are super useful. I know that “Rules” are one of @Ranashas favourite features in Knack.
It’s a view that we both share.
Really pleased to hear about the plans for templates.