I would like to use hard coded dates in an equation field and am running into issues. For example, I would like to do this:
If the date is before (or equal to) December 31, 2018, i want to return a 1, otherwise i want it to check if the date is greater than (or equal to) April 20, 2019, if that is true, return a 3. If neither case is true, return a 2. Example syntax below:
{Date} <= 12/31/2018 ? 1 : ({Date} >= 04/20/2019 ? 3 : 2)
The above syntax is just returning a 3 for all cases as it's taking my date_time field and making it a 2. I've looked at the date equations but nothing seems to be useful in this case. Am i going to have to create some variables to point to the date instead of hard coding dates into the equation?
Thanks for any help in advance!