Sorting special name field

As a builder, I would like to have the ability to sort by a record's First name rather than Last name. I want to be able to do this in the Records, my Live App views, as well as setting a default sorting on tables in the Data Source.

Yes, we can confirm in the code that currently no matter the Name field format (First Last or Last, First - for examples) the name field only sorts by the last name. As Josh mentioned here, you need additional sorting options the individual components of a name should be stored in separate fields.

Yes! We need this as well, when working in a small organisation, caseworkers dealing with clients face to face will use first names most of the time when dealing with them. To have to look them up by in a list sorted by surname adds unnecessary cognitive load.

I like the special fields, but had I realised that I couldn't sort by or reference just the first name or the surname, I would have used separate short text fields for each component.