Display First & Last Name separately in tables


We have some staff who need to export the data from tables periodically, but they need the first and last names in separate columns. These are not people who should have access to the Builder, so that's not an option.

How can I display the First & Last names in separate columns in tables? Many contacts have multiple first and last names and separating them is time consuming, even using the appropriate Excel features. It's a lot of extra work for something that should be quite simple.

Thanks in advance!

Ah, so simple! Thank you so much, Sunny! You're always so helpful. I really appreciate it. 

hi Kimberly,

Would you mind sharing the solution?

When exporting the system will automatically separate the first and last name into separate columns as well as a column containing both the first, last name.

You can also use a short text field for first name as well as last name and a Text Formula to “combine” the two for display purposes in the app.