Parse data from one field to another

I'm importing a CSV into Knack. One of the cells in the CSV is a text field, example below:

Univ. Content Labels - Appetizer,OG - Menu - Brand Equity,OG - Content Pillar - Descriptor - Unexpected,OG - Content Pillar - Playful


Therefore, Knack imports that cell as a long form text field. What I want to do is see if it's possible to do some magic either in the CSV before I upload or in Knack after the fact to parse out the bolded words and turn them into a Multiple Choice field in Knack.

I've tried researching some MID formulas in Excel but can't find one that would work for this use case. Any ideas?


Have you been able to find a work around for this? I have a very similar issue that I have been working on for over a week now and all attempts failed internal to the knack app I have.