Image Scaling Upgrade - Fit, Fill, Deform

First, let me say that the Image scaling is a great addition.

But I recently learned from testing and tech support that the image scaling only scales an image ‘down’. Images smaller than your specified size don’t enlarge.

Scaling down is nice, but I feel it would make sense to add scale-up functionality. As of right now, you could upload a lot of images and only some of them will appear to fit, while the smaller ones are ignored. For something like a directory, it’s a little weird to have some people’s pictures look great, while others are tiny.

Most no-code platforms would allow a user to set their image-fitting parameters:

  • Image Fit - the largest dimension of the image is scaled to fit the chosen size, maintaining aspect ratio. You don’t lose any part of your image, but there could be blank bars on the top or bottom.
  • Image Fill - the smallest dimension of the image is scaled to fit the chosen size, maintaining aspect ratio. (part of your image will scale beyond the boundaries, appearing as if it’s cropped, but the image will always fill the full chosen size for a consistent look)
  • Image Deform - Both dimensions will be stretched or shrunk to whatever size you chose. Aspect is ignored. You don’t lose any part of your image, but it can appear skewed.

With this scaling upgrade, I think any apps with pictures will enjoy a much nicer and consistent appearance.

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