Flows working with dates in conditions

Hi all Im trying to recreate a Task in Flow.
Thanks for any help in advance…

Ive created a flow when I can select on a status. Thats fine it gives me the options from the table Ive set up.
But dates now thats all different and I have no idea where to start

In my current task I select all records from a table who’s date is today or with in the next 1 day.
ie I have been using is during the next Number ( in the task)

But this type of date condition options do not exist in flows

So how do we work with conditions?

I see a Greater than …
then what “Date+1”
Im completely lost here

any help much appreciated

Thanks James

Hi @james.plank,

Great question! Happy to see you’re using Flows :tada:
I have shared your question internally, and my team has requested that you submit a support ticket for proper investigation and to better support you. You can reach the support team via this form: Create Support Ticket

Happy building :slight_smile:

Hi Les
just wondering if was any news on the dates question.
I never submitted a ticket as I was just testing plus didnt have time.
Any updates? Or should I submit ticket now?
Thanks for any help. Cheers james