Employee Questionnaires


Basic user here, no css - only key functions of KNACK.

Im after some advice on mapping out an app. I would like to create a questionnaire app where employees log in and take a questionnaire relating to a particular document (what we call a TBT - tool box talk).

What I would like to do is have a whole selection of questionnaires, that I could add to as time goes on such as

1) Safety on site

2) Safety in the office

3) Driving for work

4) Safe use of tools


I would like each employee be able to log on and select a questionnaire, read the assigned PDF file to that questionnaire and then complete the questionnaire. Then I would have another area where user completion would be seen in a table.

What would the layout be? Im guessing each questionnaire would be a object and their would be an object to list user completion etc, how do I create the platform that allows the user to log in, select the TBT they want and then bring up the relevant page? I don’t mind assigning a whole app to the issue. Once I know the layout I can work out connections etc.