
Thanks Carl!
You’ve been a big help.
Is there a way to display the number of records in a group like the sum on a column.

Unfortunately using column summarise you can only sum, min, max or avg values, not count.

Obviosuly you have the record count under your “search by keyword” component.

If your line items are conneted to a parent object you can count them at the parent level and also apply filters. This means that the result of the count would be in the parent table so you would have to show it on a details, like below.

Worth considering that the summary on the table is only going to total the visible records. If you have a table with 5,000 reocords but the view is set to show 25 records the total will be for the first 25 records, not all 5,000.

I think I’ll leave it alone for now.

Hi Carl,
I have the page set for full width.
Is there a way to hold the column headers constant as the user scrolls down the page?

If you have your app set as Full Width under “Look and Feel” then the above video for sticky headers will work. It doesn’t if you have your app set as Max width.

Not the header.
I have the page set to full width.
I’m trying to lock the column titles so when the user scrolls the column titles remain without scrolling.

Ed Cooper

Hi Ed, I’m not sure what you mean, can you share a screenshot or a video to illustrate :man_shrugging:

Column titles on a grid like Name, Title, phone number, etc

Ed Cooper

Try Carl’s video from this discussion Lock Table Headers - #4 by Mike1

We’re working on a floating summit button. If we get it working I’ll let the group know.

Ed Cooper

We’re going round in circles :grinning: - that’s a link to the same video for sticky headers that I posted on this thread a few days ago.