Add a Trace for Queries

As a developer, I want to troubleshoot View on a Page so that I can understand why the View is not returning the rows I expect. A Trace in the Builder explaining how the View selected the rows would be a big help.

A few guidelines:

  1. Keep it concise, one idea per request
  2. Don’t forget to explain why this feature is important
  3. Specify the type of user the feature is for
  4. Check first to see if there’s already an existing request

The best feature requests come with a clear user story that uses an example to highlight the business need. The information you share will help guide us to build the best version of these features that meets as many of your needs as possible. Thank you for being involved and helping inform Knack’s product roadmap!

Would you not find this by looking at the data source section? This will tell you which table / view the data is coming from and whether there are any filters that may be affecting it.
Apologies if I’m missing the point, or not understanding correctly. It’s late here in the U.K. and I’ve had a lot of Sun today :sunny::sunglasses:

Hi Carl,
Thanks for the question. I suspect from the last problem I ran into and its solution that this is a problem mostly of expectations. On that view I was expecting that since the table A I connected to was connected to table B, I should be able to get rows valid on B. This was not the case; I had to connect to B directly. So I’m still learning, but it seems the answer is that there’s nothing to see here.

All the best,


On that view I was expecting that since the table A I connected to was connected to table B, I should be able to get rows valid on B.

If the tables are connected you will be able to use the fields under the “Connections” section.

Using Connections in Your App

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