Has anyone managed create a sort of "user switching" functionality in an app?
I'd like admins of an app to be able to see a list of users and click a link/button to log in as that user so they can see the app from that user's perspective.
I'm familiar with the knack API and couldn't think of a way to make this work because I don't think there's any way to obtain a user's password via the API (or via the front end for that matter). You can change but not see an existing password.
It would not be acceptable to reset a users password to log in as them.
I see there's a feature request for something like this https://support.knack.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/360056230451-Baked-in-User-Impersonation?input_string=User%20Switching%20Functionality
Thanks in advance!