How we found this Mystery?
- Object “Orders” connects to Object “Customers”
- We want to send an email to the Customer after an order is entered for this Customer
- Cannot send an email because the emailing in a form does not allow emailing to a connected field (that contains the Customer Email in “Customers”)
- So we thought … let’s create a copy of Customer Email in “Orders” and use a conditional rule to update it. NO, because a conditional rule does not allow the update of a connected field value.
- WAIT! A text formula in “Orders” allows the update from a connected field value. BUT, a text field is not an email field even though it can contain an email address, and it is not allowed for sending an email in a form.
- OK! We then use a text formula to update it from a connected field value (this text field resulted with an email address). Then create an email field in “Orders”, and update it, in a conditional rule, with the text formula field.
- Now, we have a copy of an email address from a connect object.
Why this is a Mystery?
- A text formula allows the update from a connected field value while a conditional rule does not allow the update from a connected field value !!
- Can Knack be a bit more consistent in its field update operations?
- Either text formulae, equations, or conditional rules should default to no automatic update until it is enabled. Too many scenarios prove that automatic update is not necessary, e.g. price update into an Order record from the Master Price table.
Personal Feedback
Knack is wonderful and gains our full respect. But some issues like this often drive us nuts!