Text Message Notifications

Would really like the option to provide text message notifications similar to the email notifications.

Try and look into twillio.
Also many sms gateways has the possibility of email to sms.

Meaning that you can send an mail from Knack to your sms gateway, and then it transforms it to text messages.

Sending SMS is a nice feature that we’d like to add to our delivery app. Unless I read it wrong, Twillio only works in the USA for SMS. Its more than five years since this message was posted. Anyone done anything like it that would work in the UK?

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Old post but yes, +1 for Twillio

For the last 3 years, until recently (a month ago) I used twilio for daily sms messaging from a Google apps sheet.
I am in Australia and it worked perfectly, prompt delivery, cost next to nothing (about 4c each), and was very reliable.

@NeilParkin60970 it should work fine in the UK, here is the pricing for the UK https://www.twilio.com/sms/pricing/gb

Here is the script I used if you are interested (have taken out the google sheet bits)

expand for gs
function sendSms(to, body) {
  var messages_url = "https://api.twilio.com/2010-04-01/Accounts/YOURTWILLIOACCOUNTID/Messages.json";

  var payload = {
    "To": to,
    "Body" : body,

  var options = {
    "method" : "post",
    "payload" : payload

  options.headers = { 
    "Authorization" : "Basic " + Utilities.base64Encode("YOURTWILLIOACCOUNTID:YOURAUTHTOKEN")

  UrlFetchApp.fetch(messages_url, options);

function myFunction() {
 sendSms("+XXDESTINATIONNUMBER", "Hello this SMS is from Twillio!"); }

My Google sheet example was more complicated than this, I have simplified the myFunction() version! Let me know if you want the rest ( I didn’t post because there was some personal stuff in there).

So yes, you should definitely look into Twillio at least until its native Knack functionality.

I hope this helps!

Thanks Calvin, I’ll take another look. Much appreciated.
