I have a "Dashboard" created with about a dozen pivot tables, however, I am required to manually update the filters for each one individually. This is obviously quite time consuming and frustrating, especially when referring to setting the Date range.
I would like the ability set the date range once and automatically populate each report's filters accordingly. I understand that since the reports may be accessing different data sources that this will likely require a code that will need to be manually updated with the applicable field name for each table.
I would like to add a dashboard with this type of functionality as well. Knowing that knack doesn't support it natively, this seems like a possibility in the meantime. What we've been doing as a work-around is connecting Power BI via API. Power BI's dashboarding capabilities are robust.
The easiest way to do this is to analyze what the url looks like with the filters applied and then reverse engineer it. you can build then build a dynamic url in knack where you enter your date inputs and it spits out a variable url that applies to all of the pivot reports. This is a super helpful tool for analyzing the url. https://meyerweb.com/eric/tools/dencoder/
Here is how I did it. I need various views to be filtered on the “Project”.
Created a “welcome” page where user selects their Project from a dropdown and it gets saved as a local storage variable.
$(document).on('knack-scene-render.scene_1', function(event, scene) {
$(document).on('knack-form-submit.view_309', function(event, view, record) {
// get record ID of connected Project
var FilterArray = record["field_207_raw"];
var MyProjectFilter = FilterArray[0].id;
var MyFilterPLP = FilterArray[0].identifier; // ProjectLayoutPhase field
var MyProjectNAMEFilter = MyFilterPLP.substring(0, MyFilterPLP.indexOf("-")); // extract name
// set local variable so other functions can use it
localStorage.setItem("DIRTfilter", MyProjectFilter);
localStorage.setItem("ProjNameFilter", MyProjectNAMEFilter);
localStorage.setItem("DIRTfilterPLP", MyFilterPLP);
return false; // don't save the record, there is no point
On each view, I can’t just have it run the URL filter automatically or it gets into an infinite loop.
So I set the initial filters to Project Is Null (so that it loads quickly with no data) and then added a “Add My Project Filter” button which does something like the code below. I had to do it for every view and modify the URL for each one, but it got easier to copy/paste after doing a few.
// APPLY PROJECT FILTER: Scheduling Page ************************************************************************
$(document).on('knack-view-render.view_829', function(event, view, record) {
$("#view_829 .kn-button").on("click", function() {
MyProjectNAMEFilter = localStorage.getItem("ProjNameFilter");
NewFilteredURL = "https://myapp.knack.com/dirt#my-page-url/?" +
"view_300_filters=%7B%22match%22%3A%22and%22%2C%22rules%22%3A%5B%7B%22field%22%3A%22field_403%22%2C%22operator%22%3A%22contains%22%2C%22value%22%3A%22" +
MyProjectNAMEFilter + "%22%2C%22field_name%22%3A%22Project%20Name%22%7D%5D%7D" +
window.location.href = NewFilteredURL;
return false; // don't go where button was originally going to go
Just adding this in case someone else needs the same thing - use the Knack Toolkit Library (KTL) by Cortexrd - this is baked in and works perfectly without coding.