Older Versions of File?

I have a mapping file that I upload and have File record in our database.

This file gets rebuilt with a new version number on every release of Python API (that accesses the Knack Database.)

The Python API searches for the Knack database record using a record key (name = “mapping_file” or something similar), but the File URL changes the new version number every time we release a new version of our API.

Do we need to manage these older files? They should never be used. The only reference to the URL would be by looking at the record history directly in the Knack Builder Records interface.

Feel like we should be purging them…but I have no idea how.

Hi @mcmasty,

Good question! You can delete your unused assets as long as you replace the file with every new release. You can learn how to do this here: Delete Unused Assets

Edit: As of 08/29/2024, the delete unused assets option has been deactivated while we troubleshoot an issue with that functionality. If you have any questions about this, please reach out to the support team. For updates on this, please refer to our changelog: Delete Unused Assets Change

Hi @Les ,

When will the “Delete Unused Assets” option be restored? This feature is important to me, as it is one of the must-have features for subscribing to the Starter Plan.

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I imagine the support team would be able to run the delete process for you if the issue mentioned in this thread has been resolved :man_shrugging:. @Les - I’d also be interested to know when this will be reinstated, as I have several clients on the Starter Plan.

Hi @CarlHolmes & @CH1,

Sorry for the delay in replying to this thread! :christmas_tree:

The delete unused assets option is planned to be available again in the first quarter of next year. In the meantime, as Carl shared, you can reach out to the support team to have your assets removed. Here is the form to submit to request for this to be done: Create Support Ticket

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