Can't access assets from url

I have an object whose one of its fields has the 'File' type. At builder, I can upload the file (.PDF), retrieve it and visualize it, but when I have to access this file outside, via API (, I receive this message:

This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below.
<Message>Access Denied</Message>

This feature used to work nice, but I realized It stopped working last week.

What could be happening?

Hi Brad -

I know this request is from some time ago, but wanted to follow-up. Are you still running in to this issue?


I noticed a change in API call responses - a JSON response now looks like this for me:

<a class="kn-view-asset" data-field-key="field_XX" data-asset-id="XXXXXXXXXX" data-file-name="file-name.pdf" href="#kn-asset/XXXXXXXXXXX/file-name.pdf">file-name.pdf</a>

I wonder if this relates to the security changes around files - past request and suggested here:

Section on Files says this:

I reckon contact support on this one to see if there's a change needed in your API code after an update?