We are using a Calender View on a page. The calender are picking up records from the KP_Kursdag table (one record is one day in a course). The Start field contains the date/time (from and to) and are working great. There’s also a many-to-many table to be able to connect several instructors to this course day (and each instructor can be connected with several course days). Instructors are stored in the Account table.
The point: We would like the name of the course AND the instructor (Account) name field the calender, so we can see easily which instructor is connected to the course.
I believe you just need to create a new field ie.“Calendar Title” , and then you can use a Text Formula to join the various fields together. We have one were we show the Job Status, Job Type, Employees Assigned and customer name. It works great! And then you just set your calendar settings Label Field to “Calendar Title” and it will display as much information as you want it to.
I have tried that, a lot, but it seems like the Text Formula field type is not able to reach the right tables/objects, cause of the many-to-many relations.
Do you have an example of how this text formula field may look like?