Knack+Make to produce tables with loop (docx or gg docs)


I am posting here today regarding a problem related to a Make module, I hope it is fine.

My current situation:
I use a make scenario to output a docx file. When user clicks on a link, a new tab is opened and the file is generated and made available for download.

It works fine, except :

  • Format is not well recognized by word module (line break for example are not shown, but only ‘br’ )
  • I would like to use another module, in case the current one stops one day

I am testing Google Doc module, I can not achieve the same result. I indeed sometimes have tables in my docx template that are filled with a loop :

In the same docx template, I have for example :

  • Intro section, with basic fields
  • Tables one : first loop delimited by [[ ]]
  • Table two : second loop delimited by {{ }}

At the end I get a complete docx file with all my data.
I think Google privides same functionnalities, but I can not find how to do that.

Are you familiar with this ? Any idea how to achieve the same result with a Google Doc template ?

Thanks a lot

[quote=“Francois, post:1, topic:18630”]

  • I would like to use another module, in case the current one stops one day

Hi Francois,
I use Docupilot. although not free it is excellent for creating word docs and pdfs, and can easily have looped sections. Also, not being free there is support for it, which is also very good.
Happy to ru through it with you if you like. And as a cheeky request if you end up going for it please feel free to use my affiliate code: Docupilot | Document Automation Software, Document Generation Software

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Thanks Hugo, I do not know this app, I 'll have a look.

The fact that I need to add another subscription is indeed an issue, though. :moneybag:

Fair enough! Hope you find somering that works for you.