Inserting multiple connected records when a form is submitted

My app is a human resources platform that contains a performance review process based on job descriptions. When somebody is assigned to their position, the system creates the performance review process. However, the individual job activities must be copied manually, one-by-one, from the job description (which could be related to many employees) to the performance review which is related to an individual employee.

Knack is unable to insert multiple connected records (the job activities) when submitting the form.

A similar problem is copying the line items when creating a copy of the invoice. Knack is unable to do it currently. So the line items would have to be entered separately.

This is a major limitation in the system - and I notice there are posts going back as far as 2015 with similar requests but no updates from Knack.

Will this ever be resolved?


yes instead of using multiple external api’s and connectiors Knack should consider working along needs especially this increases record count and they will earn more ! :slight_smile:
Same on changing / updating multiple records based on one parent/child record change… very much needed.


Hi @Marek1 Even with app connectors (such as zapier) there is no work around for this issue. I’ve explored it with knack support many times and it’s just a hard limitation.

Hopefully knack can resolve it soon.
