Importiing url links from spreadsheet

Since Day 1 there has been a bug that Knack have yet to eliminate.

Importing a url link from a spreadsheet.

We had on occasion, need to bulk update our database as we relocated a graphic image file from onedrive (which has a nonsensical url naming convention for security purposes) to our own server.
We have tried all options to get it to recognise and store the link:

  1. just the full link name
  2. using the same <img src=" format that knack export
  3. removing any hyperlinks generated by excel when inputting the data with http at the front
  4. inserting the link into the fieldname:URL field which only shows up when you export the original file.

Basically what happens is you end up with nothing in the field or a field that doesn’t show the words but with closing “>” at th end and does not function.

Because of the lack of “easy identification” of the onedrive url’s, we have opted to move much of our images onto our own server so that at a glance you know what is in there, where its stored and what it is named.

Has anyone experienced similar issues and had to work around the problem ?

Shown is the naming convention resolution.
But updating this field does not work via import function
And really there is no explanation of what the following field is for that appears in the exported data


@RayWindlow56888, are you using the Link or Image type field?

I just tested this in an Image field with ‘Load images from external URL’ enabled, by importing just the image URL itself (i.e. everything nested in the src="") and it worked, although I had to click Next a couple of times after seeing an error pop up.


It’s a link type. And doing it within a screen there is no problem, we use that extensively.

It only on the import function using a spreadsheet.

So say we decide to relocate our images into a new sub-folder.

Example : Say we previously had all our images (4000) in FOLDER1 on our server. But we are moving them to FOLDER2.

It’s way too arduous to manually change every image record in the database.

You can’t do a bulk update in knack because each record is a different name. The easiest solution is to export the records to CSV make a global text change of the contents of the image field then save the file ready for import.

It’s here the problem occurs. It will not import the url value in the image field it exported in the first instance. I have tried various methods, such as leaving off the <IMG SRC=" text so it’s just the url address (which it manually accepts when pasted in within developer mode or a firm or grid).

Nothing seems to work. When it does import the url goes missing and U end up with the closing string "> stored and nothing else.

It’s a topic I have raised multiple times but it never gets followed through. In frustration I ended up doing the changes manually one by one as support could offer no resolution.