How to create Multi-line PDF's free with Make 🚀

Over the past few months, I’ve had several clients and customers asking me how to create a PDF file / attachment that has a multiline component, in most cases, an invoice. The requirement to have the file as a PDF to email or save as an attachment is quite a common request.

Over the Christmas break I’ve created a step-by-step video playlist on my YouTube channel which will guide you through the complete Knack / Make integration.

This isn’t designed as a beginners guide as some experience with both tools is required.

The output for this series is shown below. Check the video descriptions for associated links.

Let me know how you get on!

Happy New Year….2024 :rocket:


Very cool! I’ve had success with using JS to make PDFs, are there any drawbacks you’ve noticed using make?

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Hi @Kelson - Thank you for the positive feedback, it means a lot to me coming from someone as experienced as yourself. :pray:

The only potential issue is a disconnection on one of the modules due to a 500 error, although the break or ignore error handlers will cover this.

Apart from that I’ve found the method to be very robust and reliable. :rocket:

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Great series thanks Carl. Really useful!

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Thanks @Craig_Anderson - I appreciate your positive feedback :pray:
It’s been on my list for a while but as you’ll likely appreciate it takes some time to produce the content. :tv:. The Christmas break seemed like the ideal opportunity. :rocket:

Excellent series, Carl. I learned a lot, thank you. I had a rudimentary version for archiving ancillary records in one of my apps, and thanks to your series, I’ve improved it significantly.

Here’s what I’ve also added to my process, now that i am using Convertio:

  1. Knack API Check: Before starting the scenario, it checks if there are enough Knack API calls available for the day. If not, this job is delayed until the next day. This prevents running out of API calls for other day-to-day more essential tasks.

  2. Convertio API Minutes Check: It ensures there are enough Convertio API “Minutes” remaining, as each run can have many archives within each ‘run’. This is crucial in my process since the process involves destructive deletes, and I don’t want to miss creating PDFs due to insufficient minutes! (though i do also check just before the delete happens! #paranoid)

Below is my updated Make scenario, including the undocumented /balance API call for Convertio.

Thanks again for sharing!

Wow, you certainly expanded that scenario :rocket::facepunch:

I’m glad it helped. :pray:

Carl Holmes

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Thank you @Calvin_B the API check us really useful to know.

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