FLOWS Sub-routines or SUB FLOWS

Hi guys
Another little problem from a FLOW novice…
Any help much appreciated …

Im hoping there is a simple way to do this that I haven’t seen yet.

Here is the situation…
4 tables Jobs, Timesheets , employees, Email-Que in a construction app
Each Timesheet has ONE EMPLOYEE and ONE JOB set up for the next day. ie STATUS is planned

I want to email each employee their JOB for the next day.
SO Ill Search all planned timesheets via a multi record action
And then use an ITERATOR to loop through the TIMESHEETS

Because I have set up a timesheet for the next day with JOB and EMPLOYEE I should be able to lookup via a GET SINGLE ROW, the info for the job and do another to get the EMPLOYEE email and name.
Then Use this info to create a new record in the EMAIL-QUE table.

So I run into the problem trying to do a number of ACTIONS for EACH record in the ITERATOR
It does the first one in the ITERATOR correctly, but then it iterates , but DOESNT GET THE INFO from the SECOND record in the iterator.
How do I trigger the ITERATOR to MOVE to the next RECORD?

sort of like the following…

KNACK ACTION Get single row . Lookup Employees where Record ID = Timesheets Employee ID
great! easy.
KNACK ACTION create record in EMAIL-QUE
great easy.

SAD face… Cant

It seems to trigger the CREATE RECORD action in the EMAIL_QUE,
BUT it doesn’t ITERATE the data to the NEXT TIMESHEET.

Because I have done two actions past the iterator it wont get the NEXT RECORD to work with.

How can I fix this???

OR Can we have an ACTION which TRIGGERS another FLOW?
I could treat other flows like FUNCTIONS to call.

Any ideas how to solve this or add it to a NEW IDEAS LIST :slight_smile:

I hope all that made sense. A lot easier to think it than write it!!
Cheers James

Hi @james.plank

I think this may be because you are referring to fields from the multi record action - you should rather refer to these fields from the Iterator action.

This is not that intuitive - and I found out in a similar way when my flow was doing the same thing - especially if you are used to Make!

Hope this helps?
