Export data structure to create entity relationship diagram (ERD)

I need to document the data structure of our Knack application to explain it. My preference is to use Lucidchart (https://lucidchart.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/207299756-Entity-relationship-diagrams), but I haven't found any way of accessing the structure short of doing it all manually. Is there a way?

Made some fixes to the graphic visualization of an Application:

  • Zoom should be smoother now
  • Errors on various browsers should not happen anymore
  • Links are displayed from left to right
  • Number of objects on screen is not fixed
  • Display up to 3 levels of a connection for an object, reducing the number of objects on screen

Future changes will include a selector for objects on the visual map.

Please let me know if you have comments!

Well in my case, everything is just stacked:

Please remove the references on github, it's not something like a CDN.

To begin with support for bigger apps, cold you add some filters to only show objects or views?

If you have any ideas of how to organize the data in a better way to handle large applications, it will be awesome :-)

Wow, the Application Structure in text form is very helpful! The Visual Map though seems to be broken with our huge app.

You could try using the graphic section here: http://find.knack.com/definitions to view a relationship diagram between different objects and fields.

Sometimes it's very hard to identify if I could edit an existing column to our current needs or if it's current state is needed in another place. Even to find out the nature of a value or to identify bugs, it would be a very helpful feature. Or a feature to add notes to a column could help to track its original purpose.

Has anyone had any further luck with this?

Manual is the best you can do at the moment... you could also write scripts that utilize the API to pull it out and generate in LucidChart...