Exciting News for Knack Developers: Meet Kneuron!

Attention, Knack Developers! :loudspeaker:

I’m thrilled to announce the release of a brand-new Chrome Plugin Extension called Kneuron, created by the talented @NormandDefayette_CortexRD, CEO of Cortex Research and Development. If you’re not familiar with Normand, he’s also the developer of the KTL :rocket:

Kneuron is developed with the goal of making the Knack Builder more efficient and user-friendly. It’s designed by Knack developers for Knack developers, focusing on the features that matter most in day-to-day development.

Whether you’re a seasoned developer or just starting out, Kneuron is available for free to all users. In my video, I walk you through the installation process and showcase the plugin’s amazing features that will streamline your workflow and enhance your Knack experience.

Made with :heart: for the Knack community


Nice one @NormandDefayette_CortexRD, and great summary video @CarlHolmes!


Thanks @StephenChapman,

And BTW, for those who may have missed it, this is an open-source project on GitHub and anyone can contribute to it.
cortexrd/Kneuron: Chrome Extension for Knack Builder

Let me know if you’re interested, I’ll be more than happy to send you an invite.



I vote @NormandDefayette_CortexRD as the unofficial QOL (Quality of Life) manager for Knack. I think he needs a special forum badge lol.


Ah shoot, it doesn’t work on private infrastructure :frowning:

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AMAZING! Thank you Normand! Thank you Carl!

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It’s supposed to work. My client is also on a private server and it’s working fine.
Can you provide additional details on what happens and what you see? Any console logs?


We don’t use the standard domain of builder.knack.com, we have a custom domain for the enterprise. I noticed it was asking for permissions to access builder.knack.com when I tested it.


If you’ve installed the extension from the webstore, uninstall it and download the zip file from my server: https://ctrnd.s3.amazonaws.com/Kneuron.zip

Unzip in a folder of your choice and edit the manifest.json file.

Replace the two instances of “https://builder.knack.com/*” by whatever you see in your builder.

Do the manual install and test it. I bet this will work.

The only downside is that the browser will ask you if it’s ok to use Developer mode, every two weeks. Personally, I’d be happy to click “Remind me in two weeks” once in a while to get all those goodies!


Yup, that worked!

This is an absolute godsend :open_mouth:

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Very happy to read that!
Let’s just say it’s… “NormSend” :laughing:



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Hi @NormandDefayette_CortexRD,

I have detailed in a new topic (Truncating Text Formula Fields in Builder Tables) & thought it may also be a good idea to post the link to your Kneuron Plugin post, for some feedback/ potential solutions.

I am a very low-code user of Knack & was wondering if this is potentially something that could be included within your next Extension update if possible?

Warm Regards, Brandon

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Hi Brandon

This could be added to kneuron I’ll give it ago.



Thanks Craig. Truly appreciated

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Hi @Brandon_L

I have just added this to Kneuron. It will be available when Norm has checked and tested it.

I might have been a little premature but I’m nearly there.

This is now on the latest version.



Hi @Brandon_L,

I’ve just published the Kneuron 1.7.0 with the requested feature, where long text will be truncated in formula fields.

Thanks to @CSWinnall for the nice code!!!

The Chrome Web Store has already approved it! Took just a few minutes this time.
Here’s the link: Kneuron - Chrome Web Store

Normand D.


Thanks Normand & Craig. Truly appreciate all the assistance in this regard, it works brilliantly.
You guys rock! Regards, Brandon

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Looks great, looking forward to trying it!

One question - I don’t understand the view-shrinking feature. Isn’t that a built-in feature of the Builder (expand/collapse views)?


Hi @EricAlderman - I think you may be referring to Brandon’s post: Truncating Text-Formula Fields in Builder Data Tables/ DB's?