This automated truncating of longer field (text paragraphs etc) values in the builder Data Tables/ DBs , does not apply to Text-Formula Fields, which will seemingly display the entire output of the Text-Formula regardless of output length.
Is there a potential workaround for this, as a long Text-Formula output requires significantly more scrolling/ navigation on Data Tables in the Builder, & I am unable to use Conditional Rules based on a Yes/No Flag to alter the Text Formula output.
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
Regards, Brandon
Hi Brandon,
you could add a paragraph text field and use a conditional rule to set the value of it to the value of the text formula field. Then it would truncate. The only potential issue would be that you wouldn’t be able to inline edit it; not sure if that would matter for your use case though.
Hi & Thanks Hugo, but that unfortunately won’t assist me within the builder itself. That is where the Text-Formula would still not truncate and require significant scrolling/ navigating through records due to the full display of the Text-Formula Outputs in the Database Tables themselves
My issue is not one of the Live Apps fields not truncating, only within the Builder Data Table themselves. Unless I am missing something here. Regards, Brandon
Ah, apologies, I didn’t read your description proerly! I don’t have a solutio for that, but if you find one I’d love to know it as I have the same in some apps.
Knack should allow us to add tabs to the builder record view wherein each tab we add could display only those fields we include. Also it should allow filtering, sorting, etc that it would remember. This would be incredibly useful. So for each table view in the builder, there would be an optional set of tabs we could add. Similar to the way many SQL editors work.