Duplicating a view in the same page

It would be useful to have the possibility to duplicate a view in the same page.
It is possible right now to copy the view in another page and then move it back to the initial page (but it generates sometimes some errors in the new builder)

I believe you are able to copy the view to the same page–whenever I copy a view, the page I’m currently on does appear in the dropdown of pages. But I think it might be worth considering adding a button that just copies it to the same page without having to search through all your pages? I’ve found more often than not that when I’m copying a view, it’s just to the same page.


Used to be not able to copy a view to the same page. This is true from day one. Did not try in the recent change though.

The work around is to create a dummy page. Copy the view to the dummy page and copy back.

You should be able to copy a view to the same page you are on. While it’s not called “duplicate”, effectively you do have this option.

Please review this post about the feature improvement, and let us know here if you have feedback.

Otherwise, email support@knack.com if this isn’t working as expected in your particular app. Thanks!

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