Displaying Data within a form (selectively)


I'm working on an app that I want to use with business consulting and coaching clients.

Currently, it has two forms: a weekly review and a daily review.

The daily review contains questions like "What were your three biggest wins today"

The weekly review contains questions like "What were your three biggest wins this week"

Currently, the way the weekly review page is set-up, it displays the results/data from the daily review at the top of the page. (see: http://taylorpearson.knack.com/tee#weekly-report/)

I am wondering if there is a way to display the results/data from the appropriate daily review form fills within the weekly review table.

For example, next to the weekly question "What were your three biggest wins this week," it would display the wins they listed in the daily review for that question from the past 7 calendar days.

Here's a screenshot that may help explain what I am trying to accomplish:

Any help is much apprecciated!