Hello, I've run into a road block and it seems other users have had very similar problems. The short story is that I need to be able to sum the amounts from all chronologically past records in an Object from the same Object and display that sum in the current row. In Excel this would be a SUMIF() or a combination of other functions. With Knack, I can't access all other rows on the same table to create the cumulative sum. Creating a running total of billing and hours is a high demand feature.
Same issue:
Hello Sean,
Look like this is only possible using javascript functionality.
For example when we try to create a records then we already Get Sum of previous records and save it in hidden field (or hide textbox)
After we Sum Enterd Value and Sum of previous Value in another field to show .
Sunny Singla
Hi Sunny,
If you have one Can you please share the javascript to get this cumulative running total on the same object with filter(condition) option.
Hello Asokan,
Sorry currently have no javascript code available for this. But will create if you want with filters as well.
Sunny Singla
Hi Sunny,
If your time allows I appreciate this JAVASCRIPT.
Hello Asokan,
You can mail me detail please with access to the application and object name.
Sunny Singla