Create monthly invoice for each client


I sell leads to multiple clients. Each client has its own dashboard.

I have four tables:

  1. Clients
  2. Leads
  3. Relationships (Assigned client<->lead relationships… basically “deals” for which i get paid a lead commission. The commission data for each deal is stored here.
  4. Invoices

I want to automate creating invoices for each client at the end of the months. However, I can’t find a way to consolidate all deals (“relationships”) per client per month in the Invoices table…

Any help would be much appreciated!

Hi @Gary4,

it might be that you gould do thi in Knack, but you might need to use Make to help, especially if you need clear line items. Happy to have a look and point you in the right direction, or if interested I can help build it out; just drop me a DM.
Cheers, Hugo