Can knack be used for bookings?

Hi all,

I’m trying to see if I can use knack to book resources. E.g. 5 meeting rooms, allow people to see which rooms are available, and book one for 1 hour, 48 hours etc.

Clearly, roles can make the booking and admin very easy, but i can’t see any way of managing the booking side, and stopping double bookings…

any thoughts would be appreciated? I’m already using Knack for an extensive application so would like to keep it under the same solution.

thanks in advance

Hi @AndrewUK - this type of system requires conflict management to be able to check existing records before a new booking is created.
There isn’t a built in feature with Knack that would allow you to do this natively.

I’m sure it could be achieved with JavaScript or possibly Julian’s article:

For JavaScript I’d highly recommend both:

Sunny Singla (@Sunny_Singla)

Ian Crowe (@KnackPros)

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Hi Carl,

Thanks for the notes Carl. I can’t use an external provider due to the data policy of the company i work for, and it feels really untidy to have to do this. I realise booking is quite specialist and Knack really has a very basic functionality when it comes to time, dates etc. so will have a play with Azure Power Apps. Sadly O365 Bookings cant handle a booking that spans a single day but im sure ill figure it out…


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Hi Andrew
As Crl pointed out Knack doesnt have the ready facility. But might I suggest an external package which you can buy provided you have access to an SQL database environment for storage of the records.
I did an online car park booking system and the outlay was minimal and because it was written and designed in “eastern Europe” so to speak the mods were very inexpensive if the base package is beyond your skills.

It may not be within your framework but certainly worth looking at and considering.


Ray Windlow

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