Backup Entire Database

As a Knack account owner, I would like to be able to export my entire Knack database (including files/images) so that I can ensure that if something goes down or gets deleted in my app, I have the data values in another location.

Scenario: In addition to the obvious backup desire here, there are also examples where records are contractually obligated to be kept for a number of years, but the records do not need to be in the Knack online system.

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all good - nice to have a headache taken away

Noel, what has your experience been like? Has anyone else found similar tools to back apps?

We started using this lately

We drop to gdrive

(I am not affiliated) 


I'm also looking for this as a task feature update. The ability to export the cvs file to another account in a schedule, google sheets and api calls are not working when considering tables with thousands of lines, having the knack export it cleanly would be desirable as a solution.

We need this as a Backup feature, but also to improve integration to other apps,

The ideal would be that it exports the csv, txt or Json file to dropbox, googledrive, onedrive, sharepoint,etc.., or even as an email, anything that could be password protected and able to store the files with a timestamp (for offline backup intentions), but not removing the ability to overwrite the last file saved (for integrations).

We work with many different integrations (such as powerbi),
In which if we use the standard api call on the whole object, view or table, it takes too long, incurring on connection errors, gateway erros and such.

The ability to have whole views scheduled exported on csv on a sharepoint or onedrive account would help in better integrating knack to all other sorts of desired functions.

Please consider adding this soon.

This should have potential for Knack also as very similar (tadabase)

Basically it's a Google App script to download all your data . I currently do not have the skills to adapt this but maybe somebody here has ?

Is there someone willing to take it one ?

Maybe we could "crowdfund this" in order to get someone to to do this as I would certainly feel more comfortable having at least my clients data back up regularly. 

Any body interested ?

(Phase 2 could be a tool to recreate structure in mysql and load data)

Probably better ways to do this ?



This thread was started in 2015 and it's nearly 2020.  While we have been "staying tuned" for that long, I have seen no major new developments in backups.  No ability to bundle database exports and documents into a zip file, no way to import/export the app structure, not even a way to automatically copy apps as a rudimentary form of backup.  Is there anything on the roadmap at all?  This is still very concerning/frustrating.

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Very Scary ... I honestly thought i would find the answer here, but 2 years and nothing .. WOW. I have an independent developer who works on an important add in for uploading multiple files at once. This has vanished twice, likely during upgrades. This facility should be standard. BUT WHAT AMAZES ME is how we cannot download the whole app data to our own store for back up when we chose. I like this software after getting used to it and have several database apps for my business. But i am having to look around now. Seeing that this simple and important issue has not been actioned may well be the nail in the coffin. :(


bumping again!

Bumping this topic as the ability to backup the full database and pages would be great. The ability to backup the full database in one shot is a requirement for regulated work too.

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Same here, we are currently looking into doing nightly backups of individual tables using Python, but do not know how easy it will be to restore a table once data is gone... (still need to convert the JSON file into a CSV table....

A ZIP backup and restore like for MySQL or other DBs would be so much easier...

PLEASE get this on the top of your list !!!

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We started using Knack to a solve a few simple issues in our operations, but as more and more data is being poured into the system the greater the concern has been.  We've tested building out some more complex databases over the last few months on Knack and though we like the results...this constant issue of backups is holding us back from moving forward and having a major branch of our company rely on a Knack app that obviously works great, but that unfortunately makes us feel unsafe due to backup issue.  

If only you had this....if only....then we'd really focus on building so much more with ease.

Would be great if you could share those nevertheless, I am just starting to look into the JSON exporting possibilities and having some working examples would be a great help (guess not only for me)... conversion from JSON into csv should not be much of a problem, there are plenty utilities.

Thanks in advance.

My scripts only support baking up the data into JSON Files. I have not found the time to build an automated converter from JSON to CSV (looking at using in2csv). If that is still of interest I can look at posting instructions?

Hi Frederico, 

I am also very concerned with the risk associated with somebody (myself) accidentally deleting data/forms with no possibility to restore, other than through Knack themselves. I would think would be great if one could just 'backup' an app + data + attachments and also do a 'restore' of the same ZIP file to get the connections and links back. 

So in the meantime, would be very happy to get hold of your CURL scripts... Could share this with others? Let me know if you need my Email.... 



Not familiar at all.....but i can learn.

Hi Mac, how familiar are you with CURL?

Frederico, if you would be wiling to share i would love some help with a script to back up my data.

I'm not worried about the Knack backups failing.  

Sometimes there are data retention regulations.  I'd like to make copies of our Database at regular intervals to make sure I'm staying in compliance.

HI everyone, I have developed a script for this, still not 100% final but I am happy to help if you want to set this up. Cheers and thanks to the Knack Team for making a great tool