Automated scheduled data export

Hi there... has anyone managed to automate exporting data out of a Knack app? I have an app that accepts transactions through out the day, I would like to automatically export out the data from some of the tables that I can copy to another external system to process, but I don't want to have to run this manually using Builder. Any suggesting appreciated.. TQ.



I'm also looking for this as a task feature update. The ability to export the cvs file to another account in a schedule, google sheets and api calls are not working when considering tables with thousands of lines, having the knack export it cleanly would be desirable as a solution.

We need this as a Backup feature, but also to improve integration to other apps,

The ideal would be that it exports the csv, txt or Json file to dropbox, googledrive, onedrive, sharepoint,etc.., or even as an email, anything that could be password protected and able to store the files with a timestamp (for offline backup intentions), but not removing the ability to overwrite the last file saved (for integrations).

We work with many different integrations (such as powerbi),
In which if we use the standard api call on the whole object, view or table, it takes too long, incurring on connection errors, gateway erros and such.

The ability to have whole views scheduled exported on csv on a sharepoint or onedrive account would help in better integrating knack to all other sorts of desired functions.

Please consider adding this soon.

Another free solution would be to connect an excel spreadsheet directly to your Knack tables. This spreadsheet could then be configured to refresh automatically. I explained here the process a little bit:

Hi Alvin,

Instead of exporting, you can also choose to save your Knack data - in real time - in a google sheet. For this you can use, among other things, Zapier.

Once set up, each time a new record is created in Knack, Zapier will add a new row to your Google Sheets document. It's the good way to connect Knack to a spreadsheet and an easy way for your team to view and graph data—or just to log and backup everything in Knack to another location.


Hope this helps. 

