Auto Submit Inline Edit

Hi all,

I’m trying to get my inline edits to auto submit when the dropdown is changed. I’ve tried this (just trying to log the changes to the dropdown for now, as step 1):

$(document).on('knack-view-render.view_294', function(event, scene, records) {
  $('#view_294_celleditor-field_248').change(function() {

This doesn’t work and I’m assuming it’s something to do with the knack-view-render not picking up the inline edit modal pop-ups? Any help would be very much appreciated :slight_smile:

try below code

$(‘#view_294_celleditor-field_248’).live(“change”, function() {
$(“.drop .kn-button”).trigger(“click”);

Hi Sunny,

Thanks for your help. I’ve tried your code and it works better than mine but is still not quite right. It’s currently just auto-submitting the inline edit box as soon as it’s opened.


I think you need to select values from the dropdown. then submit.

Above provided code work when you make change in dropdown and it auto submit no need toc liuck button

you can try then
$(‘#view_294_celleditor-field_248’).live(“change”, function() {
