Auto increment started skipping values 2022-09-20

I also experienced a jump of 32 points last week on an application. The workaround for me. to get back to sequential invoice numbering, was to add another Auto Increment field and then replace it in the relevant views in the live app.

This has happened AGAIN our time NZ jump from auto numbering 5180 to 5201!!!

And is more than disruptive to business.

See attached and the history of records 5180 to 5201

My client is expecting a business-critical answer.

We had a 32 count increase and then another 31 count increase yesterday (5/2/2023). Concerning for us as well.

Hi Everyone

Thanks for letting us know here. Its really important to send through an e-mail to support when this happens, as we can then escalate it to the technical/engineering wizards. The more reports we have, the more urgent the bug is to fix so will therefore be seen to with a higher priority.

If you haven’t already, please send through an email to with “Auto Increment Bug” in the subject line, and we can resolve this for you and let you know the progress.

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As you suggested I logged a defect today for the auto increment issue. What I received back was a generic email with no information regarding the ticket # or description. How can I track this or respond with any details if I haven’t been provided anything from Knack. Please see what I received below.

Appreciate that feedback! Let me have a chat to the CS Director and see what we can do to change this message.
For the record, your ticket number is #1598672799

Heya @Scott3
Thanks for catching that for us! The e-mail auto-reply will be fixed today.

I have had similar issues with a business days calculation field and similar support experience.
We are about to invest a lot more in our products and initially we had Knack as a key part of this however for the last week I have been researching possible alternatives

This week I have had numerous tables where the Auto Increment fields have skipped 30 numbers.

We use these numbers to issue memberships and registration certificates. Quite often the person dealing with registrations will issue the details to a member, then update the databae only to find out the numbers have jumped. needless to say its caused misery and lots of work to fix.

On reaching our to support, I was astonished to be told, in different words, I have to live with the fields skipping numbers and they won’t fix it as they have done previously 4 or 5 times. In addition its likely to happen again. Its OK I was told as you haven’t lost any data!

So on this basis BEWARE USING AUTO INCREMENT FIELDS in your databases as they will break again at some point and won’t get fixed.

I find this un acceptable :worried: and the field needs to either be removed or have a warning on using it when you add it.

Does anyone have a solution or workaround for auto increment numbers? Can’t belive I am asking really :cry:

Hey Austin

We appreciate you reaching out, and are really sorry you are having this experience. The auto increment field is a huge issue of discussion at Knack at the moment. I wanted to just reach out here and let you know that we have seen this message, and will escalate it internally.

We are happy to have a look at your app and see if there is a different way of doing this field for you so that it keeps your records in the structure and order that you need. Could you please reach out on your open ticket and ask the support agent to do this for you?

I appreciate your response.

I am all ears to finding a different solution for the field. The field is used in numerous places and is going to cause many problems going forward if I can’t fix it in some way.

I have a ticket open so perhaps that can be followed up and someone can provide some suggestions for the App.

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Please provide us with your ticket number and I’ll make sure someone jumps on it!

Its (#172448) :+1:

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Hello Ally

I would like to know if you (Knack team) could “manually” recompute some incremental fields where this problem occured.

Like many other users, I have some records that do not have a continious record numbers, and it bothers my users quite a lot…


Hey Francois

Please pop a ticket over to with the details of the table in question and we can certainly have a look for you, and ask the engineers if this is possible.

Thank you Ally

My question was general, not specific.
Actually I would like to know if your are able to regenerate auto-increment on any table before asking my customers.
If the answer is yes then I will ask them.

Do you confirm that this problem is still NOT fixed ? I had one occurrence this morning.
