API filter with multiple options

I have products that belong to companies.
how do I filter for products that contain the string ‘something’ in their name AND can belong to any of 3 companies.
it seems like there is no way to mix AND with nested OR filters and there is no operator such as “within” to represent a value within a certain array of options

something along the lines of:

  match: 'and',
  rules: [
    { field: 'field_74', operator: 'contains', value: 'asd' },
    { match: 'or', rules: [Array] }

or something along the lines of:

  match: 'and',
  rules: [
    { field: 'field_74', operator: 'contains', value: 'asd' },
      field: 'field_126',
      operator: 'isOneOf',
      value: [ { id: '61f5124c1a579807212c5217' },  { id: '61f5124c1a57980v4455317' } ]