503: upstream connect error or disconnect/reset before headers. reset reason: connection termination


I am encountering “503: upstream connect error or disconnect/reset before headers. reset reason: connection termination” daily with my integromat automations.

Does anyone know the cause and resolution for them please?

Hi @Brett - this is a common problem with the Knack API which many of us would like to see sorted out - but there is a solution which resolves is almost 100% of the time. This is to add a “Break” error handler to almost all Knack modules in Integromat - I always configure them like this:

Notice that I haven’t bothered to add one to the initial New Event trigger module (if this failed nothing could resolve it and they don’t seem to anyway). You will need to set the scenario to allow storage of incomplete executions - but it will prompt you for that.

If this error handler then fails 3 times you will be alerted and have an option to manually get it to try again - which usually works.

You can see more Knack / Integromat stuff on my blog:


Thanks Julian.

I do use breaks - I was just checking in to see if there was perhaps another solution.

With this use case, breaks are not optimal as I’ve got an erratic error that I’m trying to troubleshoot.

I’ve added a 15 second ‘sleep’ to the end of this scenario and this looks like it is helping - I suspect API calls are being throttled by Knack. I am aware of the 10 calls per second limit but I’d expect a error 429 and not a 503, if I hit this limit, which I doubt I am.

Thanks for your input on this issue.