Updated Live App Design - Dropdown Menu Icons

Hi all!

I just opened up my app’s live app design and it updated to the new design. I noticed that the dropdown menus no longer show the icon if there was one chosen. See screenshots below for the before and after:
Is there a way to get those icons back or was the option to have them on a dropdown menu removed with the new design?


I’d not noticed but after some investigation it would appear that the ability to have icons on the dropdown menu are no longer supported. I switched back to Legacy and they are visible but under the new menu setting they are not shown.

Closer view :mag:

I figured that was the case but wanted to confirm – appreciate it!

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I have raised the issue with @Kara who is our new product manager.
The change happened before she joined so not sure if or when this may be resolved. :thinking:

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@CarlHolmes I think I was referring to a different topic when I said this was before I joined :smile_cat:
@Cheyenne I think you discovered a bug that could have been introduced recently - we’ll hop on fixing it and thanks for pointing this out!


@Kara - apologies :pray: - I misunderstood.
Thank you for jumping in on this one and moving it forward :fast_forward: