Dear Normand,
Thank you for your help. I already installed the KTL and my knack app is shown filter save/delete icon.
I created user role : Bulk Edit and assigned to my knack user which i want to allow them to do bulk edit.
When i refreshed the windows, it doesn’t show the selection buttons in front of the rows. I already set inline editing for that grid.
So, I don’t know how to handle it.
Hi Veerawong,
I will investigate that and get back to you asap.
In the meantime, if you could create me an account in your app with the access to just one dummy page with a few test records so I can troubleshoot the Bulk Edit problem, that would help a lot.
Hi Normand,
Thank you for your help. I already sent the details to you by email.
Thank you again.
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Got it, thanks.
Will check it out now.
Hi Veerawong,
I’ve checked you app and the source of your problem was very simple: You were using an outdated version of the loader.
See this discussion on GitHub, it explains how to do it: Migrating to the new AWS S3 server.
If I may, I strongly recommend that you subscribe to this discussion to avoid missing important communications regarding changes and updates in the KTL: KTL Changelog
See the other discussions also, you may find them interesting.
Finally, as a courtesy I’ve added the customization “starter code” in your Javascript pane, so you’ll be up-and-running, whenever you’re ready to fine-tune the KTL.
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Dear Normand,
Thank you so much. BulkEdit is very useful.
Thank you again for your help.
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