Sorting a Grid after Grouping?

I have a Grid View that’s grouped, and the Grid is sorted by the Grouped field alphabetically. But the data within each grouping is sorting seemingly randomly. Is there a way I can’t find to define how to sort within Grouped grids? Ideally I’d like to add two more sort layers.

So to be clear, I am grouping and sorting the Grid by a text field called Tenant, but I’d like to sort the records within each grouping by a field called Premises, and then a field called Utility.

Any help would be appreciated!

Hi @Steve3,

If you haven’t already found a solution, I would recommend reaching out to our support team for further assistance with this. They would be very happy to help! Create Support Ticket

Have a wonderful rest of your week :slight_smile:

If you edit the grid and go to Source you should be able to add multiple sorting rules that will get you the results you’re looking for, I believe.